
The Key to Growth or the Chains That Hold You Back? Commitments: Are they your superpower or your kryptonite? If you’re ready to level up your life, it’s time to get real about how you handle the things you say “yes” to. In this episode of balanced FLUX, we’re breaking…

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From Longing to Action: Make Your Aspirations a Reality! Our busy lives can leave us feeling disconnected from our deepest desires. Aspirations, those inner longings, guide us towards growth, purpose, and a sense of fulfillment that goals alone can’t provide. This episode explores the different types of aspirations: intrinsic, extrinsic,…

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Not Just for January Blues (Anymore) In this episode, we explore the essence of resolutions, going beyond the classic “New Year’s resolution” trope. You’ll learn what resolutions really are, their different flavours, and the profound significance they can hold for mental health and personal balance. We’ll delve into the challenges…

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Learned Optimism

Pessimist or Problem-Solver? Rewiring Your Brain for Hope. Have you ever found yourself spiralling down that rabbit hole of negativity? One bad thing happens, and suddenly, your whole world feels like it’s crumbling. But what if there was a way to break that cycle? What if you could train your…

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Learned Helplessness

Breaking Free from the “Why Bother?” Trap Hey there! Are you feeling a bit stuck lately? Like every effort you make is a drop in the ocean, and nothing seems to create the impact you want? It’s a frustrating feeling, but there’s a name for it—learned helplessness. It’s when life’s…

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Comfort Zones

Is “Good Enough” Really Good Enough? Have you found yourself coasting through life? Maybe things are fine, or even comfortable. But deep down, you know there’s a nagging voice inside telling you there’s more you could be doing… more you could be. If this hits home, it might be time…

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New Beginnings

Why Change is Good, Even When It’s Scary. Feeling stuck in a rut? Is the fire of your passions flickering low? This episode of balanced FLUX dives deep into the transformative power of new beginnings. I’ll explore what it means to hit the reset button and how to embrace change…

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The Key

Unlocking doors with balanced FLUX Have you ever found yourself facing a seemingly endless hallway, filled with doors you’re unsure how to open? That’s life, full of possibilities and challenges alike. But what if there was a set of keys, a philosophy designed to help you unlock those doors and…

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Embark on the balanced FLUX Journey Welcome to the balanced FLUX podcast, where the journey toward a balanced life begins. I’m Tany McLeod, and I’m here to guide you on this transformative adventure. This podcast introduces you to a way of life that harmonizes mental health, personal productivity, and living…

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